Can I apply for Citizenship if my green card is expired?
If your 10-year green card is expired or is about to expire, you have the option of renewing your card or you can apply for citizenship. Which option is the best for you will depend on several factors.
Should I apply for Citizenship?
Citizenship is a big step! As long as you have a
clean criminal record, have been filing and paying your taxes, you don’t owe any back child support, and you feel confident in your ability to understand the English language, Citizenship may be the best option for you. As a U.S. Citizens, you won’t have to worry about renewing your green card, international travel, or any residency requirements. If you have any concerns, we welcome the opportunity to
speak with you about your case so that there are no issues with your filing. Keep in mind the
residency requirements for application, the most common being physically present in the U.S. for thirty months within the five-year period before submitting your application.
What about my Expired Green Card?
If have decided to apply for citizenship, you can do so with your expired green card. USCIS does not require an unexpired card for you to apply. However, if you don’t plan on applying for citizenship, you should renew your 10-year green card as soon as possible in order to avoid other issues that can disrupt your life.
Driver’s License, Employment, and Other Benefits
Holding an expired green card can make life difficult, specifically if your driver’s license is about to expire, if you’re searching for new employment, or if you are a recipient of any government benefits, such as social security or Medicare/Medicaid. Depending on your state requirements, you will have to provide a valid green card to apply for or continue receiving these benefits and privileges. With your expired card, you will undoubtedly run into issues. Moreover, processing times for a green card renewal vary and you can expect anywhere from
6 to 15 months for your new card to arrive.
What if I need to travel?
If you already submitted your green card renewal with USCIS and have received your receipts from them, you can travel internationally with your expired card. Ensure you have a valid passport and the receipts on hand for your trip as proof that you have already filed for your new card. The receipts include language that provides evidence of your lawful permanent residence status for 12 months from the expiration date on your green card. If your card is more than 12 months expired, you will have to call USCIS and request an info pass appointment to get an I-551 stamp in your passport.
Explore Your Legal Options Today!
The legal team at Purdy Law understands that the decision to apply for
U.S. Citizenship or to renew your green card can be a difficult one to make. Schedule your
consultation today to speak with our
citizenship attorney about the option that will lead to the best success for you and your family.